Wednesday, November 14, 2018

It's About D*mn Time I Get Some Planned Me Time!

Picture found on Pinterest 

          The weather is getting cooler, assignments from professor are piling up faster, people, in general, are starting to get on my very last nerves, and I realized that I just needed some well planned me time.

          I've been doing good with time management when it comes to staying on top of all of my assignments since the start of my senior year in college and completing all the responsibilities expected of me at my job and side activities I’m involved in while trying to have a social life. But while trying to create plans with friends and a certain somebody, it seems as though, I’m the only one trying to fit within everyone’s schedule, but nobody is really trying to fit time within mines. Well, I'm done being the only flexible one. If
they want to hang out with me, they will have to fit within my schedule from now on. If not, oh well! 

          This past weekend, I have had enough. I had two papers to turn in that weekend, an exam to take yesterday, and two more papers to turn in on the weekend coming up. All I wanted to do besides completing my assignments was to see the Halloween movie that I've been waiting to see since I saw the first commercial of the screening. Well, those plans kept getting pushed to other days. I finally decided to turn my phone completely off and ignored everyone in existence. People were really starting to get on my nerves, but I won’t say any names. 

          I took a cat nap and put my assignments on pause. I have time tomorrow. I instantly started feeling relieved. I later got up and decided to eat dinner, but first I needed a good show to watch. I’ve been dying to watch the second season of Big Mouth on Netflix, but I was waiting to be able to watch it with my boyfriend, but since he also feels as though I should fit within his schedule, he can watch the show by himself now. I don’t care! This will now be apart of my Me Time. And on top of watching Big Mouth, fixing my plate for dinner; I added a glass of wine to the mix. I was then in a great place of relaxation. With this event alone, I felt my stress levels lowering and my body was in a great relaxed state. I need more of these Me Time events.

           I think I should plan a time within each month to dedicate time just for me. This event will include me turning my phone completely off once a month, find a good show or movie to watch, and a nice glass of wine by my side as I enjoy my own company. I will then gather all the irritating people, and the many pressures that I feel are placed on me in a storage box that I can come back to later. This time will be about me and me only.

          When was the last time, you had some quality me time? If you have, what did you do or plan to do in the future because I would love some suggestions especially if this becomes a once a month thing? If you haven’t had one of these yet, does this article convince you to give it a try?