Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Making of The B.A.E : What I learned about Making my Show


A snapshot taken while recording episode 2 of The Black Aphrodite Experience

          When I first started uploading videos on YouTube, I thought the process would be easy. On my first YouTube channel, I would place a recording of me reciting poetry that I performed on my college campus and at spoken word events then immediately would upload each video on my channel with zero editing. I was clueless about the whole process when I made my YouTube channel in 2016 so when I received a lot of encouragement to turn my blog topics into video form last year, I knew I wanted my videos to be better this time around. By watching successful YouTube channels, reading self-help books on online marketing, and gain inspiration from my favorite entertainment programs; I finally realize what I was doing wrong with my first channel. After gaining my new knowledge, it was time for me to physically use this  information to form my show, "The Black Aphrodite Experience" (The BAE). The whole production of the show took me two months to complete before the release of the first episode. In this article, I am going to list six things I learned through out the whole process to creating my YouTube show with two bonus tips I gained in hopes that you'll have a smoother process when creating your content on YouTube.

1. Find your niche/ the reason behind the making of your channel

Before you decide to make a YouTube channel, you need to sit down and write down the reasons why you want to put content on YouTube instead of another platform. Answer the questions: Are you creating material for your personal enjoyment? What do you hope your viewers gain by watching your videos? Will your videos teach or entertain an audience?

After you answer these questions, list five to ten possible topics you'll like to create videos on. You might find that a couple of the topics you write down might relate to one another and can possibly become the main theme for your channel. If you're still struggling on finding your niche for your channel, I suggest you  check out my show The Black Aphrodite Experience for guidance starting next Wednesday. 

One thing I've learned and noticed about successful YouTube channels is that they either teach some type of wisdom, entertain, or does both. If you want your channel to become successful than you need to make sure your channel fits these criterias. 

2. Do your research on successful YouTube creators that base their channels on the same interests as your future channel 

You must know who your competition is to learn how they are able to maintain and grow their audiences. You will also learn the type of videos that are already out on YouTube so you won't create unoriginal material. Lastly, your competition can one day become your future collaboration partners and possible friends/ mentors through networking.

3. Buy those essential items for your channel before you start recording; they are your most important investments

When I first started creating videos on YouTube, I didn't know anything about having lighting, a consistent background, and having great clear sound from a microphone. All I knew was using my tablet or a phone could get the job done. You can purchase all these items from Amazon and spend a total amount of money under $200. When you buy lighting, you can record any time of the day and your videos will have even lighting throughout the recording process. Having a microphone helps your voice and all the other voices to be heard clearly with less distraction from any unwanted background noise. If you're recording inside a small studio/ bedroom or any other place in the house, having a simple but unique background is needed to show your audience more about you without you having to say it all the time.

4. Have at least 10 video ideas written down before you push the record button

Before you start recording videos for your channel, come up with the first ten video ideas before you start uploading videos. There are a lot of new YouTube channel creators who have long time lapse between videos and it sends the message to your audience that you're not serious nor consistent with your page. At the end, it will cause you to become unnoticed by a lot of people who would have been interested in your page and the message you have to give. By using this method of coming up with at least ten video ideas before you uploaded the first video, you'll place less stress on yourself to create new content on a consistent basis.

5. Schedule when you plan to record the videos

By writing down the days you're going to record on a calendar or planner will help you create a constant recording schedule. Creating a constant recording schedule will help you plan and schedule the release dates for each video.

6. Edit that video!

Once you finish recording your first set of videos, it's time to edit them so they will be ready to be release on time. When it comes to editing, you have to find an editing program that works great with the device you used to record your videos. By choosing a program that's compatible for the device you're editing on and can handle the length of your videos, you'll experience less technical difficulties. Once you find the right video editing program for you, you can start the editing process. When you're editing your video, pay close attention to certain things. For example, parts where you are speaking unclearly; repeating the same information; and when unwanted/ distracting background noisy appear in the video. Those are the things that should be removed or fixed before you upload it onto your channel.

Two Bonus Tips

1. Add intros and outros to your videos

Many YouTube channels that become successful and end up becoming monetized on YouTube includes an intro and outro in all their videos they upload.

2. Know whether or not the music you want to use in your videos are copyrighted

For new YouTubers like myself, it has been advised to only use uncopyrighted or free to use music for your videos because if you don't respect the creators/ copyrighters wishes, you can get sued and have to pay up in cash or all the money you received from the video the music was featured in will all go to the musical copyrighter and not you. So be very careful when it comes to including music in your videos.

          I hope you gained new knowledge on the world of YouTube and you find the information useful as you work on your own content. During the release of this article, I will be preparing for the release of my show, "The Black Aphrodite Experience." The first official episode will be releasing on October 7th while the first introduction of the show will be release next Wednesday. I make this statement to say that this will be my last article until the second week of  December . In place of articles, I will be releasing episodes of the show. I hope you all tune in to the first season. This season is about, "Finding Your Passion," and I will have my little sister Khiya co-hosting with me through out the show. In each episode, we will explore the many ways to learn how one can find their passions in life and how they can be turned into something you can one day create income from those passions. Khiya is in her second year of high school and by the last episode of the season, you'll learn whether or not she gained a clearer conscious about her future regarding her school and career interests. To be the first to know when the episodes upload, click the link and subscribe to the channel: Chyna Mone't 

I  hope to see you all there!😄

To stay connected with the Dear Ms. Aphrodite Organization:

Follow the Instagram Page: GuidedByAphrodite

Like and Follow the Facebook Page: Ms. Aphrodite

Subscribe to the YouTube Channel: Chyna Mone't (The place you can watch episodes of the show The Black Aphrodite Experience)

 Until we meet again Aphro Kingdom 👋

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Knowing the Signs that You and Your Partner will make it to the next stage


A Sunny Day in Tennessee Before the Rain
A Sunny Day in Tennessee Before the Rain

          When people ask long term couples the question, "When did you know your partner was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with?," they usually respond by saying, "I just knew..." This is a very common saying among healthy long lasting relationships for the simple fact that they were able to be in tune with their feelings while recognizing the signs that made it very clear to them that their partner was the perfect match for them. In this article, I will list seven actions to pay attention to in order to know whether or not you and your romantic partner will make it to the next stage in the relationship.

1. Whenever you're sharing the same space as your partner, you both feel comfortable and at peace

Every time I'm in the same room or a place in general with Logan, I instantly feel safe and can relax.

2. Completing simple tasks such as errands become enjoyable when you're with each other

Whenever Logan and I go grocery shopping and helping each other wash dishes; it feels less than a chore but just an additional part of our date.

3. You and your partner talk about future life plans that includes each other

After a year of dating, Logan and I just naturally brought up future plans with one another and as time has progressed, we have started talking more about living together and starting a family. This year alone, the mentioning of marriage has been brought up more than it has in the past.

4. You and your partner naturally help each other with things with little to no question about it nor any real complaints about having to help each other out either

While in college there were two or three classes that I needed help with and I passed and received a higher grade in the course with help in those courses from Logan. Without his help in statistics, I wouldn't have been able to graduate on time. I have helped him with other things as well.

5. You are invited to learn more about your partner through attending events that includes close family members and majority of the family members take well of your presence

Every time Logan comes over to visit me; my mom, grandmother, and my little sister are happy to see him. My mom even gave him a nickname.

6. You and your partner are able to open up about sensitive details about each other and no one feels judged or unsafe with sharing the new information with them

When Logan and I went on our first official hang out, I told him that I was raped by someone I thought was a friend and that the experience caused me to build a wall around my feelings towards males that were not part of my family. I felt it was an important detail to mention to him in order to see how he would react to learning this information about me. I believed that if he was able to handle that information then we'll be able to share other sensitive information about ourselves as our connection progressed to an actual relationship.

7. You and your partner encourages each other to try new things

Since the very beginning of our relationship, me and Logan has experienced a lot of "firsts" together. I believe that by trying new things with your partner, it can help keep the relationship interesting and you'll learn more about each others interests. Those activities or interests just might become your new hobbies and interests.


Have you notice any of these signs when it comes to your partner?